Welcome to Yi Qin's peronsal page

Yi Qin (秦逸)

Ph.D. (NJU), CCF/IEEE member

Assistant Researcher with:

Mailing address:

  • Room 501, Building of Computer Science and Technology
  • Nanjing University (Xianlin Campus)
  • 163 Xianlin Avenue, Qixia District, Nanjing, Jiangsu, China (210023)




I obtained my Ph.D. degree in computer science and technology from Nanjing University (NJU) in 2018 (Ph.D. advisor: Prof. J. Lv and Prof. C. Xu), and B.S. degree in computer science and technology from Nanjing University in 2011.

I am an assistant researcher with Nanjing University since Janaury 2019.

I received the following awards or honors (reversely chronological order):

Research Interests

My research mainly concern about building high-quality self-adaptive systems (robots, self-driving cars, Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, etc.). You may hear about the tragic accidents of Lion Air Flight 610 and Ethiopian Airlines Flight 302. Software defect in the autopilot system of Boeing 737 MAX is the major root cause of these two accidents. Our work is to expose such software defects (techniques and tools for testing self-adaptive systems) and to help developers avoid such defects (methodology for developing self-adaptive systems). You are welcome to talk to me if you have common interests.


  • The electronic versions of some publications below are provided for personal use.
  • Copyright is owned by the respective publishers (for published versions) or persons (for submitted or crafted versions).
    1. Yi Qin, Yanxiang Tong, Yifei Xu, Chun Cao, and Xiaoxing Ma. Active Monitoring Mechanism for Control-Based Self-Adaptive Systems. In FSE 2024, forthcoming, 2024.
    2. Yanxiang Tong, Yi Qin, Xiaoxing Ma. Evaluating the Fitness of Model Deviation Detection Approaches on Self-Adaptive Software Systems. Journal of Computer Research and Development (计算机研究与发展), 59(9): 1929-1946. 2022. [JCRD22]
    3. Jinchi Chen, Yi Qin, Huiyan Wang, and Chang Xu. Simulation Might Change Your Results: A Comparison of Context-aware System Input Validation in Simulated and Physical Environments. Journal of Computer Science and Technology (JCST), 37(1): 1-23. 2022. [JCST22]
    4. Yanxiang Tong, Yi Qin, Yanyan Jiang, Chang Xu, Chun Cao, and Xiaoxing Ma. Timely and Accurate Detection of Model Deviation in Self-adaptive Software-intensive Systems. In Proceedings of the 29th ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE 2021), pp. 168-180, Athens, Greece, Aug 2021. [ESEC/FSE21]
    5. Jinxin Fan, Yanxiang Tong, Yi Qin, Xiaoxin Ma. Overwhelming Uncertainty in Self-adaptation: An Empirical Study on PLA and CobRA, in Proceedings of the 12th Asia-Pacific Symposium on Internetware (Internetware 2020), 2021, virtual event. [Internetware20(1)]
    6. Jinchi Chen, Yi Qin, Huiyan Wang, Chang Xu. Simulated or Physical? An Empirical Study on Input Validation for Context-aware Systems in Different Environments, in Proceedings of the 12th Asia-Pacific Symposium on Internetware (Internetware 2020), 2021, virtual event.[Internetware20(2)]
    7. 许畅, 秦逸, 余萍, 曹春, 吕建. 可成长软件理论方法和实现技术: 从范型到跨越, 中国科学: 信息科学,2020, 50(11):1595-1611.[中国科学20]
    8. Yi Qin, Tao Xie, Chang Xu, Angello Astorga and Jian Lu. CoMID: Context-based Multi-invariant Detection for Monitoring Cyber-physical Software, in IEEE Transactions on Reliability, 69(1): 106-123, 2020. [TR20]
    9. Zhengchuan Liang, Yi Qin. Generating Environmental Models for Testing Self-adaptive Systems, in Proceedings of the 11th Asia-Pacific Symposium on Internetware (Internetware 2019), pages 1-6, 2019, Fukuoka, Japan.
    10. 秦逸,许畅,陈紫琦,吕建. 面向环境非确定性的CPS测试技术研究, 中国科学:信息科学, 2019, 49(11): 1428-1450.[中国科学19]
    11. Yi Qin, Xianping Tao, Yu Huang and Jian Lu. An index structure supporting rule activation in pervasive applications, in World Wide Web Journal, 22(1): 1-37, 2019.[WWWJ19]
    12. Yi Qin, Huiyan Wang, Chang Xu, Xiaoxing Ma and Jian Lu. SynEva: Evaluating ML programs by mirror program synthesis, in Proceedings of IEEE 18th International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability, and Security (QRS 2018), pages 171-182, 2018, Lisbon, Protugal.[QRS18]
    13. Yi Qin, Chang Xu, Ping Yu and Jian Lu. SIT: Sampling-based interactive testing for self-adaptive apps, in Journal of Systems and Software, 120: 70-88, 2016. [JSS16]
    14. Yi Qin, Xianping Tao and Jian Lu. Supporting groupware communication with topology-enhanced content-based network, in Proceedings of 16th Asia-Pacific Network Operations and Management Symposium (APNOMS 2014), pages 1-6, 2014, Hsinchu, Taiwan, China.[APNOMS14] </ol>


      I'm looking for self-motivated students with commitment on software engineering and self-adaptive systems research.

      My students:

      • Present :
        • Chenghuan Jiang (B.E.; with Prof. Chang Xu; Uncertianty analysis for self-adpative systems
        • Yifei Xu (MSc; with Prof. Chang Xu; Runtime monitoring for self-adaptive systems
        • Zhaoqi Tong (MSc; with Prof. Xiaoxing Ma; Adaptation support for micro-service systems
        • Mingxiao Wang (MSc; with Prof. Chang Xu; Self-adaptive system runtime platform, working on Dji RobotMaster
        • Rong Yang (MSc; with Prof. Chang Xu; Self-adaptive system runtime platform, working on LEGO Power Up kits
      • Past :
        • Yanxiang Tong (Ph. D; with Prof. Xiaoxing Ma; Self-adaptive system Testing, working on control-based self-adaptive software-intensive systems (Control-based SASs))
        • Xinyi Mao (MSc; with Prof. Chang Xu; Self-adaptive system testing infrasturcutre, working on Dji RobotMaster)
        • Jinchi Chen (MSc; with Prof. Chang Xu; Self-adaptive system building, working on Dji RobotMaster)
        • Zhengchuan Liang (B.E; Self-adaptive system testing, working on Unmanned Aerial Vehicle)

      Teaching Duties

      • 2024 (Spring) Lecturer: 数理逻辑(for NJU department of computer science and technology)
        • Also in 2023(Spring), 2022(Spring), 2021 (Spring) and 2020 (Spring)
      • 2021 (Fall) Lecturer: 离散数学(for NJU continouing education school)
        • Also in 2020 (Fall) and 2019 (Fall)


      I love watching anime (US: /ˈænəˌmeɪ/, UK: /ˈænɪˌmeɪ/, the Japanese term for animation, which means all forms of animated media, check my MAL profile here), playing video games and reading all-kinds of books.

      Anime talks about lots of things. It also echos the science of computer software. In a famous anime Neon Genesis Evangelion, a super-computer system called "Magi" helps human beings defend against alien attacks. Magi is designed to have three individual super-computers for fault-tolerance purpose. When one computer is controlled by its enemy, it seems that the remained two computers can still enable the whole system to make right decisions (most people might think this is apparently correct, including myself when I first watched this anime). Unfortunately, a computer scientist Leslie Lamport told us in his famous Byzantine Generals Problem that, for a distributed system consists of n nodes, if the number of failure nodes is t and n = 3t, then we cannot guarantee that the system makes right decisions. In other words, if Lamport controlled one of Magi's supercomputers, then story of Neon Genesis Evangelion would end in its every first episode (/= _ =)/~┴┴ !

      Anime could also inspire our research in self-adaptive systems. Can we avoid our robots falling down like this ?And can we make smart robots move like this, Unmanned Aerial(or "Space" ) Vehicles fly like this, or deadly missiles fire like this?

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      The homepage was last updated on <font color="#ff0000")Feb 09, 2023.</font>

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